Deep blue chess app
Deep blue chess app

The book moves are displayed on screen with chess symbols and the opening variations are named and ECO coded. HIARCS has a large tournament book which is up to date with chess theory with over 235,000 variations. You can transfer PGN game databases to and from HIARCS Chess and load/save your chess games in PGN format, it even has databases of all the games between Fischer & Spassky and Kasparov & Karpov for you to play through and enjoy. HIARCS Chess will save battery life by using much less energy on the weaker levels, allowing more playing time on long journeys etc. It can continuously adjust its playing strength to give you challenging but beatable opponents as you improve. HIARCS also monitors your chess performance and provides you with an Elo chess rating which tracks your chess ability in every game. On the weaker playing levels HIARCS will make human-like mistakes appropriate to the level of play and this together with the integrated coach advice, assessments and alerts allow you to learn and improve quickly.


HIARCS Chess has a full range of realistic weaker opponent strengths and playing styles catering for players of all abilities from absolute beginners to Grandmasters. Deep Blue was victorious in game 1, but Kasparov quickly adjusted his tactics and went on to win 3 and draw 2 of the remaining 5 games. An advanced set of coaching features helps players of all strengths improve their chess play. In 1996 IBM’s Deep Blue was considered to be the strongest chess computer at the time, it faced off against Kasparov in a 6 game series. HIARCS Chess for iPad harnesses this chess power to enable your iPad to play chess like a super Grandmaster, analyse games and chess problems with you, or play at whatever weakened chess strength you want from beginner to GM strength while offering numerous features to help you learn and improve as you play with HIARCS. In 1997 the World's strongest ever human chess player, Garry Kasparov, said "HIARCS is much better positionally than Deep Blue" and ex World champion, Vishy Anand, in a recent 2011 interview when asked what chess program he uses to analyse with said "generally I use HIARCS". It twice won the Mercusor Cup tournament in Buenos Aires, Argentina ahead of Grandmasters, the last time with a performance beyond 2900 Elo, the best chess performance rating for any handheld device in history. HIARCS is a multiple World Championship winning chess program and the only handheld chess program which has won matches and tournaments with Grandmasters.

Deep blue chess app